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COP $ 50.000

Autor: Varios Autores

Distribuidor: Promolibro

Casa Editorial: Apóstrofe


Año de Edición: 2006


Idioma: Español

Formato: Libro Impreso

Número de páginas: 32

ISBN: 9780746071519

SKU (Número de Referencia): 37281


Did you know that the Vikings were both terrifying raiders and brave explorers In this fascinating book you can find out what it was like to be a Viking, and learn about Viking homes, feasts, boats, gods and much more.Vikings is part of an exciting series of books for children who are beginning to r...


Did you know that the Vikings were both terrifying raiders and brave explorers In this fascinating book you can find out what it was like to be a Viking, and learn about Viking homes, feasts, boats, gods and much more.Vikings is part of an exciting series of books for children who are beginning to read on their own. The easy-to-read text has been specially written with the help of a reading expert. Nota: el contenido de este libro se encuentra en inglés. Contiene imágenes a color. Impreso en papel esmaltado. Vikings is part of an exciting series of books for children who are beginning to read on their own. The easy-to-read text has been specially written with the help of a reading expert. Nota: el contenido de este libro se encuentra en inglés. Contiene imágenes a color. Impreso en papel esmaltado. Nota: el contenido de este libro se encuentra en inglés. Contiene imágenes a color. Impreso en papel esmaltado. Contiene imágenes a color. Impreso en papel esmaltado.

Información adicional

Casa editorialApóstrofe
Año de Edición2006
Número de Páginas32
Alto y ancho15.5 x 21.1
Tipo Productolibro

Varios Autores

información no disponible.

Viking Life

Different Vikings

At home

A trip to town

What to wear

Gods and

A trip to town

What to wear

Gods and goddesses

At a feast

Fun and games

Viking boats

Wild warriors



Famous Vikings

A Viking funeral

Glossary of Viking

Websites to visit



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