The complete childrenʾs short stories

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COP $ 69.000

Autor: Rudyard Kipling

Distribuidor: Promolibro

Casa Editorial: Wordsworth Editions Ltd

Wordsworth Editions Ltd

Año de Edición: 2004


Idioma: Español

Formato: Libro Impreso

Número de páginas: 854

ISBN: 9781840220575

SKU (Número de Referencia): 38051


The Jungle Book introduces Mowgli, the boy foundling adopted by a family of wolves, Shere Khan the tiger, Bagheera the black panther and Baloo the sleepy brown bear. How did the Leopard get his spots How did the Elephant get his trunk In Just So Stories Kipling wittily supplies the answers to these ...


The Jungle Book introduces Mowgli, the boy foundling adopted by a family of wolves, Shere Khan the tiger, Bagheera the black panther and Baloo the sleepy brown bear. How did the Leopard get his spots How did the Elephant get his trunk In Just So Stories Kipling wittily supplies the answers to these and other questions. Puck of Pooks Hill relates how Dan and Unas magical meeting with Puck, the last of the People of the Hills, leads to their adventures with Romans and Crusaders, Saxons and Vikings ... And later, in Rewards and Fairies, the three meet an array of characters ranging from Iron Age warriors to Good Queen Bess and Sir Francis Drake. In Kiplings rattling school yarn Stalky & Co, Stalky, MTurk and the Beetle are the trio of scallywags with a keen desire to break the rules; their unruly activities give the stories an enduring appeal to all children - especially those who have ever wilted beneath the stern glance of a peevish schoolmaster. Kiplings wry, sometimes tongue-in-cheek style will delight and entertain young readers while adults throughout the world will remember his stories with affection. Nota: el contenido de este libro se encuentra en inglés. How did the Leopard get his spots How did the Elephant get his trunk In Just So Stories Kipling wittily supplies the answers to these and other questions. Puck of Pooks Hill relates how Dan and Unas magical meeting with Puck, the last of the People of the Hills, leads to their adventures with Romans and Crusaders, Saxons and Vikings ... And later, in Rewards and Fairies, the three meet an array of characters ranging from Iron Age warriors to Good Queen Bess and Sir Francis Drake. In Kiplings rattling school yarn Stalky & Co, Stalky, MTurk and the Beetle are the trio of scallywags with a keen desire to break the rules; their unruly activities give the stories an enduring appeal to all children - especially those who have ever wilted beneath the stern glance of a peevish schoolmaster. Kiplings wry, sometimes tongue-in-cheek style will delight and entertain young readers while adults throughout the world will remember his stories with affection. Nota: el contenido de este libro se encuentra en inglés. Puck of Pooks Hill relates how Dan and Unas magical meeting with Puck, the last of the People of the Hills, leads to their adventures with Romans and Crusaders, Saxons and Vikings ... And later, in Rewards and Fairies, the three meet an array of characters ranging from Iron Age warriors to Good Queen Bess and Sir Francis Drake. In Kiplings rattling school yarn Stalky & Co, Stalky, MTurk and the Beetle are the trio of scallywags with a keen desire to break the rules; their unruly activities give the stories an enduring appeal to all children - especially those who have ever wilted beneath the stern glance of a peevish schoolmaster. Kiplings wry, sometimes tongue-in-cheek style will delight and entertain young readers while adults throughout the world will remember his stories with affection. Nota: el contenido de este libro se encuentra en inglés. In Kiplings rattling school yarn Stalky & Co, Stalky, MTurk and the Beetle are the trio of scallywags with a keen desire to break the rules; their unruly activities give the stories an enduring appeal to all children - especially those who have ever wilted beneath the stern glance of a peevish schoolmaster. Kiplings wry, sometimes tongue-in-cheek style will delight and entertain young readers while adults throughout the world will remember his stories with affection. Nota: el contenido de este libro se encuentra en inglés. Kiplings wry, sometimes tongue-in-cheek style will delight and entertain young readers while adults throughout the world will remember his stories with affection. Nota: el contenido de este libro se encuentra en inglés. Nota: el contenido de este libro se encuentra en inglés.

Información adicional

Casa editorialWordsworth Editions Ltd
Año de Edición2004
Número de Páginas854
Alto y ancho15.3 x 23.4
Tipo Productolibro

Rudyard Kipling

información no disponible.

The Jungle Book

The Second Jungle Book

Just So Stories

Puck of Pook’s Hill

Rewards and Fairies

Stalky & Co.


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