That's not my truck...

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COP $ 46.000

Autor: Varios Autores

Distribuidor: Promolibro

Casa Editorial: Apóstrofe


Año de Edición: 2002


Idioma: Español

Formato: Libro Impreso

Número de páginas: 10

ISBN: 9780746048139

SKU (Número de Referencia): 36856


This delightful series of board books is aimed at very young children. The bright pictures, with their patches of different textures, are designed to develop sensory and language awareness. Babies and toddlers will love turning the pages and touching the feely patches. Nota: contiene imágenes a c...


This delightful series of board books is aimed at very young children. The bright pictures, with their patches of different textures, are designed to develop sensory and language awareness. Babies and toddlers will love turning the pages and touching the feely patches. Nota: contiene imágenes a color. Impreso en papel esmaltado.

Información adicional

Casa editorialApóstrofe
Año de Edición2002
Número de Páginas10
Alto y ancho16.6 x 16.6
Tipo Productolibro

Varios Autores

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