Selected stories

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COP $ 28.000

Autor: Anton Chekhov

Distribuidor: Promolibro

Casa Editorial: Wordsworth Editions Ltd

Wordsworth Editions Ltd

Año de Edición: 1996


Idioma: Español

Formato: Libro Impreso

Número de páginas: 188

ISBN: 9781853262883

SKU (Número de Referencia): 38005


Anton Chekhov is widely regarded as one of the greatest writers of short stories. He constructs stories where action and drama are implied rather than described openly, and which leave much to the readers imagination. This collection contains some of the most important of his earliest and shortest c...


Anton Chekhov is widely regarded as one of the greatest writers of short stories. He constructs stories where action and drama are implied rather than described openly, and which leave much to the readers imagination. This collection contains some of the most important of his earliest and shortest comic sketches, as well as examples of his great, mature works. Throughout, the doctor-turned-wríter displays compassion for human suffering and misfortune, but is always able to see thc comical, even farcical aspects of the human condition. Chekhov sees and depicts life with unwavering honesty and truthfulness, although a clear moral sense can be detected beneath his apparent objectivity. Nota: el contenido de este libro se encuentra en inglés.This collection contains some of the most important of his earliest and shortest comic sketches, as well as examples of his great, mature works. Throughout, the doctor-turned-wríter displays compassion for human suffering and misfortune, but is always able to see thc comical, even farcical aspects of the human condition. Chekhov sees and depicts life with unwavering honesty and truthfulness, although a clear moral sense can be detected beneath his apparent objectivity. Nota: el contenido de este libro se encuentra en inglés.Throughout, the doctor-turned-wríter displays compassion for human suffering and misfortune, but is always able to see thc comical, even farcical aspects of the human condition. Chekhov sees and depicts life with unwavering honesty and truthfulness, although a clear moral sense can be detected beneath his apparent objectivity. Nota: el contenido de este libro se encuentra en inglés.Nota: el contenido de este libro se encuentra en inglés.

Información adicional

Casa editorialWordsworth Editions Ltd
Año de Edición1996
Número de Páginas188
Alto y ancho12.6 x 19.8
Tipo Productolibro

Anton Chekhov

información no disponible.

The Night before Easter
At Home
The Malefactor
Murder Will Out
The Trousseau
The Decoration
The Man in a Case
Little Jack
The Death of an Official
The Beggar
The Troublesome Guest
Not Wanted
The Robbers
Lean and Fat
On the Way
The Head Gardener's Tale
Without a Title
In the Ravine

Notes to the text


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