
  1. Manualidades: Reciclando paso a paso

    COP $ 97.000
    Selección de propuestas creativas y originales a través de materiales reciclable para que los niños de diferentes edades las pongan en práctica disfrutando en sus casas o colegios.

    Cada actividad esta explicada detalladamente, cons instrucciones acompñadas de fotografías que permiten seguir de manera fácil paso a paso la elaboración de las manualidades.
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  2. Alicia en el país de las maravillas

    COP $ 28.000
    Lewis Carroll utiliza en esta obra la psicologia infantil como arma arrojadiza para desmoronar como un castillo de naipes los encorsetados convencionalismos sociales de la época victoriana. Para ello se vale la sátira, la caricatura y el humor amable, como si de un juego infantil se tratara.

    Alicia en el pais de las maravillas ha sido elevada a clàsico dentro de la literatura para niños, y encierra un transfondo mucho más profundo para el mundo de los adultos.La historia de Alicia comienza en estas páginas para el deleite de grandes y chicos. 
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  3. A través del espejo y lo que Alicia encontr...

    COP $ 28.000
    A través del espejo y lo que Alicia encontró alli es la continuación de Alicia en el pais de las maravillas,l y acompaña a su predecesora entre los clásicos de la literatura para niños, también con ese mensaje profundo y reflexivo para los adultos. La historia de Alicia continúa en estas páginas para el deleite de toda la familia.
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  4. Mujercitas

    COP $ 30.000
    La novela Mujercitas es la historia de cuatro hermanas y una madre que superan los problemas cotidianos a fuerza de amor y comprensión mutua, mientras el padre está ausente en el frente bélico. Quizás para la época en que nos ha tocado en suerte vivir, peca un poco de idealista, pero vale la pena su lectura como terapia purificadora para la vorágine incansable de nuestro mundo. Con el tiempo la novela se ha convertido en un testimonio histórico de la transición entre la Guerra Civil norteamericana y la modernidad, además de ser un ejemplo para niñas y jóvenes de todo el mundo, sobre la individualidad y la vocación de la mujer en la sociedad y la familia. 
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  5. Antología de Relatos de Terror

    COP $ 34.000
    Publicados entre 1907 y 1935, los relatos de H. P. Lovecraft que reúne este volumen son una excelente oportunidad para descubrir o volver a encontrarse con un clásico de la literatura del horror. Aunque en apariencia se esfuerzan por describir con objetividad una serie de acontecimientos anómalos, transportarán a la última frontera del miedo, esa que generaciones de lectores han padecido y gozado con pareja intensidad.

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  6. Materiales para la construcción

    COP $ 254.000
    Los arquitectos tienen más y más materiales a su disposición a medida que la tecnología se desarrolla,y nuevos usos para materiales antiguos.Este libro muestra qué se puede alcanzar con esta riqueza en elección de materiales. 

    La elección del material puede tener efectos de amplio alcance,haciendo que un proyecto sea más acogedor,más asequible o más versátil.Fotografías a todo color,textos explicativos y tablas que ofrecen detalles a arquitectos y diseñadores sobre las propiedades de cada material.
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  7. Around the world in eighty days

    COP $ 29.000
    Around the World in Eighty Days is-perhaps-the best known work of French writer Jules Verne (1828-1905).
    The novel narrates the adventures of British gentleman Phileas Fogg and his French valet Passepartout,as they attempt to travel around the world in eighty days to win a wager. 

    The novel was a commercial success and helped Jules Verne achieve worldwide recognition. His work became synonymous with daring adventure,science and futurism. 

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  8. Great Expectations

    COP $ 29.000
    Charles Dickens was born in Portsmouth,England,on 7 February 1812.One of the greatest living writers of the Vietorian Era,as his fume and talent is still recognised and celebrated to this day.A master of social commentary,his work touched every aspect and shade of the world and reality that surrounded him.

    His style was complex and poetic,with a strong comedie touch, and his satire about the British Aristocracy was, and still is,very popular. 
    His short stories and novels are filled with sorne of the most memorable and original characters in aH of English Literature,transcending their own stories and pages ro beco me primordial in Western culture and tradition.Such is the case of Ebenezer Scrooge and Oliver Twist;characters that became the perfect archetype for greed and humiliry,respectively. 

    Many of his works are the perfect historieal document of a time of great change,innovation and social inequaliry,fiHed with hope for a better tomorrow through science and human achievement. 
    Great Expectations (1854) is considered one of rhe author\'s greatest and more sophisticated works.The novel narrates the story of Phillip Pirrip,an orphan blacksmith apprentiee whose life aspiration is to become a gentleman and part of the nobility.

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  9. The Scarlet Letter

    COP $ 29.000
    The Scarlet Letter is a novel written by American author Nathaniel Hawthorne and published in 1850.The story takes place in the Puritan Boston of the mid 17th century and revolves around a woman named Hester Prynne,who conceived a child out of wedlock and was forced to wear a scarlet letter \'A\' (Adulreress) which condemns her to alife of struggle and humiliation. 

    The novel deals with the social and moral themes typical of the time and geographical setting.Puritanism was a way of life in rhose days especially in Massachusettsand many women and men faced trials and punishrnenr for their "sins" and "misconducrs".The story centres on Hester and her daughter and how she deals with her morherhood as a social outcast,but the author rakes every chance he gets to comment on morality,human nature,legality and guilt. 

    Tbe Scarlet Letter was received well by critics,with the obligatory outcry from religious leaders for the risqué subject matter of the story, but nevertheless enjoyed a resounding commercial success amongst readers.Ir was one of the first mass-produced books in America,rapidly becoming a symbol of the renaissance of American literature in the 19th century.
    Nathaniel Hawthorne\'s work has endured the test of time for the human appeal of his stories and the deep psychological complexity of his characters. 

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  10. A Study in Scarlet

    COP $ 29.000
    Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was born on 22 May 1859 in Edinburgh,Scotland.He went to a private school at 9 years old,thanks to the support of a rich un de after a poor childhood caused by his father\'s alcoholismo He started studying medicine at the University of Edinburgh in 1876 and during that period ofhis life he also began writing fiction.By 1879 he managed to publish sorne of his stories in various literary magazines of the Scottish capital. 

    After serving as a doctor for sorne merchant ships in voyages to Greenland and Africa,he studied ophthalmology in Vienna and later established in London,where he opened a private practice.He continued writing specially while waiting for his patients. 

    His most famous literary creation,the detective Sherlock Holmes, saw the public light for the first time in 1886 thanks to the novel A Study in Scarlet.From that moment on,Arthur Conan Doyle would write many stories for the fictitious detective and his inseparable partner,Dr.John Watson.The author also explored many other themes,characters and literary styles,but his fame was earned mainly for the thrilling adventures of Holmes and Watson. 
    He died in 1930,in his East Sussex house,after a long and prolific literary career. 

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