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    Romancero gitano

    Romancero gitano

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    Quizás sea el libro más famoso de toda la producción de Federico García Lorca (1898-1936), compuesto entre 1924 y 1927 Y publicado al año siguiente. Se trata de una revitalización del romanticismo, con su concisión, su dialogismo, su intensidad emocional. Con el Romancero gitano la poesía española consiguió uno de sus más grandes éxitos. El romance español no había tenido una popularidad mayor desde Góngora. Ni el desgarrado tipo del gitano una mejor expresión artística. Pocas veces en literatura se ha logrado una eficacia tan fácil en poemas breves, mojados de arte y de ternura. 
    Gracias a Lorca el mundo de los gitanos quedaría convertido en un mito cuyo significado es evidente, se trata del destino trágico, siempre omnipresente. Son protagonistas al margen de un mundo convencional y hostil, marcados por la frustración o la muerte con ansias de vivir que se estrellan contra convenciones y trahas. 
    Lorca funde admirablemente lo culto con lo popular y un portentoso poder de creación lleva a sembrar los romances de metáforas audaces que sin embargo, no debilitan su alcance humano. 

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    Narración de Arthur Gordon Pym

    Narración de Arthur Gordon Pym

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    El interés científico y el gusto por lo sobrenatural envuelven la producción literaria del norteamericano, Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849), "maestro de maestros del género de aventuras terroríficas. Poe alternaba con un temperamento altamente sensible, lo maravilloso y lo horrible, un gusto minucioso por la lógica y por la exactitud científica. 
    La obra narra la historia del joven Arthur Gordon Pym, a bordo del barco ballenero Grampus, y todas las aventuras y desventuras que le persiguen como miembro de su tripulación. Lo que comienza como una simple historia de mar empieza a cornplicarse de tal manera que se sale de los esquemas literarios de la época, dándole ese toque especial por el que es todavía leída en nuestros días. 

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    Manual del Arquitecto.Arquitectura y Construcción

    Manual del Arquitecto.Arquitectura y Construc...

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    COP $ 254.000
    El Manual del Arquitecto es una obra de referencia creada por un grupo de expertos en la que se presentan todas las áreas clave en la práctica de la arquitectura y la construcción.Con un especial énfasis en las técnicas más actuales,incluidos los aspectos de sostenibilidad y eficiencia energética.
    Su amplio espectro presenta desde las técnicas tradicionales hasta las más novedosas aparecidas y aplicadas en el siglo XXI. 

    Las claras explicaciones teóricas se acompañan de estudios de casos prácticos por reconocidos arquitectos del ámbito internacional.
    Este es un manual de referencia indispensable abierto a ser consultado tanto por arquitectos,ingenieros,constructores,así como por facultativos que deseen tener obra de consulta rápida y clara.   
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    Jane Eyre

    Jane Eyre

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    Jane Eyre was the first novel of English writer and poet Charlotte Brontë (1816-1855).The novel narrates the life of Jane Eyre,the titular character,and her emotional journey to womanhood as a governess in Thornfield Hall. 

    Charlotte Brontë used the story of Jane Eyre as a canvas for emotional discovery and spiritual sensibility,reaching depths previously reserved almost exclusively for poetry.
    To this day it remains the most important and recognized work of Charlotte Brontë and one of the most famous novels in the English language.


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    Horror Stories

    Horror Stories

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    Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) was an American writer and poet and one of the most preeminent figures of Gothic Literature.He is widely recognized as a master of the short story form,but also delved into poetry,essays and literary criticismo 

    His work often revolved around dark and macabre thernes,using death and the human mind\'s deepest fears to craft cornplex stories about a vast array of subjecrs.
    He laid the groundwork for the modern detective story,he elevated his prose with poetic imagery and he always pushed the limits of his portrayal of the most basic human nature at least for the standards of the time. 

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    Dracula is without a shadow of a doubt one of the most recognizable characters in all Gothic and horror literature.The novel was published in 1897 by lrish writer Bram Stoker (1847-1912),and although it enjoyed good reviews,it had very modest sales.

    His work was compared by critics  Edgar ABan Poe and Mary Shelley\'s in both thernes and atmosphere,but Stoker\'s style of epistolary storytelling created a more compelling narrative.Stoker was not the first to come up with vampires or even the name "Dracula",as he was heavily influenced by European folklore,Cothic novels, penny dreadfol serials, and even history books.
    Nevertheless,me amalgamation of such diverse elements resulted in a story that has transcended me test of time. 

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    Dubliners is a collection of short stories written by Irish author James yoice (1882-1941) and published in 1914.Dubliners was conceived during do very complex time for Ireland and Irish nationalism,when the British Empire and the Catholic Church completely dominated the fate of the country. 

    Joyce used these 15 stories to stage a sort of moral chapter of Ireland\'s history as a way of proposing change, by subverting the stagnation of his countrymen.He saw Dublin as the epicentre of the paralysis and chose to set all the stories in that city,even though he had not lived there several years. 

    Critics were not so kind to Dubliners upon publication,but time gave anorher opportunity ro this collection of short stories.Especially after the rame and impact that joyce achieved with his magnum opus,Ulysses (1922).
    Today rhis collection remains an important part of Joyce\'s legacy,a unique erploration of style and form amongst his novels,and an immortal slice of the of Ireland at the beginning of the 20th century. 

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    The Picture of Dorian Gray

    The Picture of Dorian Gray

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    The Picture of Dorian Gray was written by lrish author Osear Wilde (1854-1900).The novel was first published in 1890 in the July issue of Lippincotts Monthly Magazíne, and later in a longer and revised book form in 1891. 

    Basil Hallward is an artist looking for inspiration when he meets Dorian Gray,and impressed by his beauty he decides to make me young man the subject of a full portrait.A friendship rapidly blossoms and through Basil,Dorian meets Lord Henry Wotton,an hedonistic aristoerat living only for sensual fulfillment.Young Dorian is swayed by mis philosophy and begins to live the life of a libertine in the eonstant seareh for pleasure. 

    The Picture of Dorian Gray eaused outrage in British reviewers and readers alike for its alleged immorality and indeeeney,and sparked in Osear Wilde a furious defenee of the ereative proeess and the importanee of freedom in artistic expression.
    Nevertheless,me book suffered so me eensorship in its first release,bur later was revised and expanded by the author ro fix this issue. 

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    Pride and Prejudice

    Pride and Prejudice

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    Pride and Prejudice is the second published novel of English writer Jane Austen (1775-1817).Originally entitled First Impressions,the first draft of the novel was completed between 1796 and 1797,and later revised and expanded between 1811 and 1812.Ir was renamed Pride and Prejudice and published in 1813,by Thomas Egerton. 
    The novel tells me srory of how the arrival of two rich and eligible achelors,Mr.Bingley and Mr.Darcy,affects the lives of the five married Bennet sisters,especially Jane and Elizabeth,the main roragonists . 

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    Alice in the Wonderland

    Alice in the Wonderland

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    Lewis Carroll (1832-1898) was the pseudonym of English mathematician and writer Charles Lutwidge Dogson.His fragile health and intellectual curiosity led him to develop a shy and withdrawn personality that clashed with the adults around him,although he always felt at ease amongst children. 

    His most famous works are Alice in Wonderland (1865) and its continuation,through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There (1871),both filled with magic and fantasy and written especially for kids.The author achieved great commercial success with his noveIs and became one of the most quoted English writers,after Shakespeare. 

    In Alice in Wonderland, the world of the adults,the incomprehensible real world,boring and complex for children,quickly makes way for a more interesting and colourfullandscape,full with strange characters and amazing adventures for Alice and her readers.
    Carroll was a master of literary nonsense,as a way of subverting language conventions or logical reasoning,creating a very thin line between humour and surrealism to emphasize the whimsical nature of his fantasy.Paradoxes and word play are a staple of the author\'s work,captivating children and adults alike and all over the world. 

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