David & Goliath

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COP $ 50.000

Autor: Varios Autores

Distribuidor: Promolibro

Casa Editorial: Apóstrofe


Año de Edición: 2004


Idioma: Español

Formato: Libro Impreso

Número de páginas: 17

ISBN: 9780746054307

SKU (Número de Referencia): 36717


The Bible contains many wonderful stories which can be understood and enjoyed by young children. Usborne Bible tales have been specially written, keeping as close to the original stories as possible, for young children who are just beginning to read.Charming illustrations, full of historically accur...


The Bible contains many wonderful stories which can be understood and enjoyed by young children. Usborne Bible tales have been specially written, keeping as close to the original stories as possible, for young children who are just beginning to read.Charming illustrations, full of historically accurate detail, carry the stories along and give clear clues to the words and their meaning. With the help and encouragement of an adult, new readers will be able to achieve the pleasure and satisfaction of reading a whole book for themselves.Nota: el contendio de este libro se encuentra en inglés.Contiene imágenes a color. Impreso en papel esmaltado. Nota: el contendio de este libro se encuentra en inglés.Contiene imágenes a color. Impreso en papel esmaltado. Contiene imágenes a color. Impreso en papel esmaltado.

Información adicional

Casa editorialApóstrofe
Año de Edición2004
Número de Páginas17
Alto y ancho21 x 21
Tipo Productolibro

Varios Autores

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